On August of 2005 I went to Bangkok (Thailand) and was introduced to Phioaboc and Sonthaya, the co-ordinators of the thai location. Of course, I did some shopping, ate really good food and discovered a library. This picture shows the entrance of the Pridi Banomyong Library, that belongs to the Thammasat University.
Benvinguda al món blogger!!!! què guai el teu bloc de biblioteques del món!!! Ara toca viatjar viatjar i viatjar pel món de la lectura i les biblioteques!!!
ResponEliminaUn petó ben fort!
I a tu pel que veig et toca cantar pel món! Gràcies per llegir-me. La propera entrada del bloc crec que t'agradarà molt, he, he. Petons